
Manage projects with All in One Work Management Software

UniTaskerPro is one of the best work management software designed to create and enhance organizational efficiency and team productivity.
This comprehensive online task and project management software precisely combines task management, time tracking, and advanced project planning features, making it an essential tool for modern businesses.

Key Features of UniTaskerPro

UniTaskerPro is engineered to enhance the efficiency of teams across various industries, tackling the complexity of modern work environments with ease. Its suite of features is specifically designed to streamline project management, task delegation, and progress tracking.

As a web-based project management tool, UniTaskerPro is ideal for teams looking for a comprehensive, online project management solution.

Task Managemnt and project overview
gantt chart

Project Management:

Time Tracking:

gantt chart


Comprehensive Work Management Tools of UniTaskerPro


  • Acts as a project dashboard, offering a high-level summary of the project’s status, including milestones achieved, tasks in progress, and overall timeline.
  • Ideal for quickly gauging project health and identifying areas that need attention.     


  • Facilitates the management of project team members, allowing for easy addition, removal, and role assignment.
  • Enhances team collaboration by clearly defining roles and responsibilities within the project.


  • Serves as a centralized repository for all project-related documents, ensuring easy access and organization.
  • Supports version control and collaborative editing, crucial for maintaining the integrity of project documents.


  • Allows for setting and tracking significant project achievements, aiding in goal-oriented project planning.
  • Essential for measuring project progress against predefined objectives.


  • Core of task project management, enabling detailed task creation, assignment, and tracking.
  • Incorporates priority setting and deadline management, ensuring task completion aligns with project timelines.

Task Board

  • Visual tool that adopts the Kanban approach, showcasing tasks in various stages of completion.
  • Provides a clear view of workflow and task progress, facilitating easier management and reallocation of work.

Gantt Chart

  • Offers a visual timeline of the project, displaying tasks, dependencies, and durations.
  • Key for planning and adjusting project schedules, particularly in complex projects with interdependent tasks.


  • Manages invoicing and billing directly within the project context.
  • Streamlines financial processes by integrating project deliverables with invoicing.


  • Tracks the amount of time team members spend on various project tasks.
  • Vital for monitoring labor costs and managing project budgets effectively.


  • Records all financial expenditures related to the project.
  • Crucial for maintaining budget control and financial transparency.


  • Tracks financial transactions, including client payments. 
  • Integrates with the invoicing system for a holistic view of project finances.


  • Facilitates team discussions within the project framework.
  • Promotes effective communication and collaboration among team members.


  • A feature for jotting down important project details, observations, or meeting minutes.
  • Enhances information sharing and retention within the project team.


  • Allows team members to rate and review different aspects of the project.
  • Useful for gathering feedback and improving project processes.

Burndown Chart

  • Graphical representation that shows the amount of work remaining over time.
  • Helps in assessing if the project is on track to meet its deadlines.


  • Logs all actions and changes made within the project.
  • Offers a transparent audit trail of project activities and decisions.


  • Manages issues or requests raised during the project.
  • Essential for tracking, prioritizing, and resolving project-related problems.

Elevate Your Work Management Software Experience with UniTaskerPro

 UniTaskerPro is your all-in-one solution for streamlined work, CRM, HRM, and Finance. Simplify everything, boost efficiency, and achieve success.

Unleash the Power of Productivity

How does your Project Management tool enhance productivity?

Our Project Management tool is designed to streamline project workflows. With intuitive features like project tracking and task management, your team stays organized, ensuring deadlines are met with precision.

Absolutely! Our tool fosters seamless collaboration. Share updates, allocate tasks, and monitor progress in real-time, ensuring everyone is on the same page throughout the project lifecycle.

 Yes, indeed! Tasks are intelligently connected to projects, allowing for a clear understanding of the project’s status and ensuring all tasks contribute to the overall project goals.

Yes, you can! Our tool includes expense tracking features, providing a comprehensive overview of project costs and helping you stay within budget.

Contracts serve as the foundation, outlining project terms and expectations. Seamlessly integrated, they provide clarity and structure for successful project execution.

Tasks break down projects into manageable steps. Assign, track, and complete tasks with ease, ensuring everyone is on the same page for a seamless workflow.

Timesheets provide accurate insights into resource allocation and project costs. Track time spent on tasks, ensuring optimal project budgeting and resource management.

The Project Roadmap offers a visual guide to project milestones. It’s a strategic planning tool, allowing teams to foresee project progression and make informed decisions.