Terms of Service

Welcome to UniTaskerPro. This document serves as an agreement between you, our esteemed user, and UniTaskerPro, a comprehensive software solution incorporated under the relevant laws. Our Terms of Service outline the legal framework governing your use of UniTaskerPro’s extensive suite of Business Management tools, including CRM, HRM, Finance Management, Work Management, payroll, recruitment, and more. By using UniTaskerPro, whether by accepting these terms explicitly or through continued use of our software, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms, forming the basis of our service provision and user interaction.

Acceptance of Terms at UniTaskerPro: Detailed Overview

At UniTaskerPro, agreeing to our Terms of Service is a crucial step in starting your journey with our software. This can be done in two primary ways:

1. Explicit Acceptance via Interface Prompt:

  • When you first sign up or log in to UniTaskerPro, a prompt will appear on our user interface, asking you to read and accept our Terms of Service.
  • Clicking to accept at this stage explicitly acknowledges your agreement to adhere to the terms laid out. This action represents a clear and conscious consent to the conditions of using UniTaskerPro.

2. Implicit Acceptance by Usage:

  • Alternatively, if you choose to start using UniTaskerPro without explicitly clicking to accept, your continued use of the software itself signifies your acceptance of these terms.
  • This means that by the act of using UniTaskerPro, navigating through its features, or engaging with any of its services, you are implicitly agreeing to the terms and conditions that govern its use.

Both acceptance methods are legally binding and constitute your consent to be governed by the terms of this agreement. It’s important to understand that by agreeing to these terms, you are entering into a legal contract with UniTaskerPro. We recommend reading these terms carefully to ensure you fully understand your rights and responsibilities as a UniTaskerPro user.

Provision of Services at UniTaskerPro

UniTaskerPro offers a wide array of business management services designed to cater to the diverse needs of modern businesses. Our services encompass:

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Tools to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle.
  • HRM (Human Resource Management): Solutions for managing employee data, payroll, recruitment, and other HR functions.
  • Finance Management: Features for budgeting, financial reporting, and managing financial transactions.
  • Work Management: Systems to optimize project management, task allocation, and team collaboration.

And more.

Dynamic and Evolving Service Provision:

  • Continuous Improvement: This may include introducing new features, optimizing existing ones, and refining our software’s overall performance.
  • Change Management: While we strive to provide consistent and reliable services, certain aspects of our offerings may change over time. This could be due to technological advancements, market demands, or regulatory requirements.
  • User Notification: This may include updates via email, notifications within the software, or announcements on our website.
  • Discretion in Service Provision: UniTaskerPro reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue any service or feature at our discretion.

Our commitment at UniTaskerPro is to offer versatile, cutting-edge business management solutions while adapting to the evolving needs of our clients and the market.

User Obligations at UniTaskerPro

In utilizing UniTaskerPro’s range of Business Management solutions, users are required to adhere to certain obligations. These include:

  • Requirement for Accurate Information:
  • Users must provide true, accurate, current, and complete information when signing up for and using UniTaskerPro. This is crucial for account creation, communication, and the overall functionality of the services.
  • Regular updates to user information are necessary to maintain accuracy, particularly for contact details and payment information.
  • Compliance with Terms and Laws:
  • Users must use UniTaskerPro in accordance with the Terms of Service and all applicable laws and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, data protection laws, intellectual property laws, and industry-specific regulations.
  • Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of UniTaskerPro does not infringe on the rights of others or violate any legal standards.
  • Prohibition of Automated Access:
  • The use of automated methods to access UniTaskerPro, such as scripts, bots, or web crawlers, is strictly prohibited, except as allowed by the Terms of Service.
  • Users must follow the guidelines provided in any robots.txt file on the UniTaskerPro service, which delineates permissible automated interactions.

By adhering to these obligations, users contribute to a secure, lawful, and efficient environment for all UniTaskerPro users. Breaches of these obligations may lead to consequences including, but not limited to, account suspension or termination and legal action where necessary.

In certain circumstances, UniTaskerPro reserves the right to suspend or terminate user accounts or cease providing all or part of our services. This decision can be made without liability to the user and under various conditions:

Violation of Terms:

  • We may suspend or terminate your account if we have reasonable grounds to believe that you have violated the Terms of Service.

Risk or Legal Exposure:

  • Should your actions create risk or potential legal exposure for UniTaskerPro, we may take steps to suspend or terminate your account.

Inactivity in Free or Trial Accounts:

  • Free accounts that show no activity, such as replies or logins, for sixty (60) days, and trial accounts without a payment method thirty (30) days post-expiration, may be subject to suspension or termination.

Commercial Viability:

  • If providing our services to you becomes no longer commercially viable, we reserve the right to discontinue your access to our services.

Notification of Changes to Your Account Status:

  • We will inform you of any changes to your account status. This may be done through our service interface upon your next attempt to access your account or via email or phone number provided to us, if applicable.
  • In the event of termination, you will no longer have access to your content and other data associated with your account.

Handling Your Data Post Termination:

  • Upon account termination, your content and all other data associated with your account will be inaccessible through our services. However, we will handle this data per our Data Retention Policy and applicable laws.

Content in the Services at UniTaskerPro

When engaging with UniTaskerPro’s diverse suite of services, it’s important to be aware of the intellectual property rights that may be associated with the content you encounter. Here’s how we handle content within our services:

  • Respect for Intellectual Property Rights:

  • Many of the elements you come across within UniTaskerPro, such as text, images, software, and other materials, may be protected by intellectual property rights owned by us, our licensors, or other third parties.
  • You are required to respect these rights and are prohibited from modifying, renting, leasing, loaning, selling, distributing, or creating derivative works based on this content unless you have obtained explicit permission from UniTaskerPro or the content owners.
  • Prohibited Actions with Protected Content:
  • Unauthorized use of content that is protected by intellectual property rights, including copying, reproduction, or redistribution, is strictly prohibited and may lead to legal consequences.
  • User-Generated Content:
  • In instances where you contribute content to UniTaskerPro, such as in forums, discussions, or through submissions, you retain your rights to your content. However, by posting, you grant us the right to use, moderate, publish, and distribute your content as part of our services.
  • Moderation Rights:
  • UniTaskerPro reserves the right to moderate, edit, or remove any user-generated content that is deemed inappropriate, infringing, or in violation of our terms or policies.
  • Our Intellectual Property:
  • The software, brand, and proprietary content of UniTaskerPro remain under our ownership. You are not granted any rights or licenses to use our trademarks, logos, or service marks unless explicitly authorized by us.

By using UniTaskerPro, you agree to respect these intellectual property rights and to use the content within our services in a manner that complies with these terms.

Providing Reliable Support and Addressing Technical Concerns

  • Contact Information for Support:
  • If you encounter any technical difficulties while using UniTaskerPro, you can reach out to our support team for assistance.
  • Contact us at support@unitaskerpro.com or through the admin panel in our software to submit a support ticket.
  • Policy for Addressing Technical Issues:
  • We prioritize quick and efficient resolution of technical issues. Our support team is trained to diagnose and resolve problems, ensuring minimal disruption to your use of UniTaskerPro.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary for our employees or agents to access your account to diagnose a problem. We ensure that such access is conducted securely and responsibly, respecting your privacy and data.

Payment Terms at UniTaskerPro

Understanding Fees, Payment Methods, and Billing

UniTaskerPro offers various subscription packages, and here are the details regarding payments:

  • Fees:
  • Our services are available under different pricing plans, details of which can be found on our pricing page.
  • The fees for our services are subject to change, but we’ll inform you in advance of any such changes.
  • Payment Methods:
  • We accept various payment methods, including credit cards and online payment systems. The available options will be presented during the subscription process.
  • Billing Cycles:
  • Billing cycles are typically monthly or annually, depending on the chosen subscription plan.
  • Renewal of services is automatic unless you decide to cancel or change your subscription plan.

Rights to Modify or Discontinue Services

UniTaskerPro reserves the right to modify or terminate our services under certain conditions:

  • We may change, suspend, or discontinue any part of our services at our discretion.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

Disclaimer of Warranties:

  • While we strive to provide the best possible service, we cannot guarantee that our services will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Limitation of Liability:

  • UniTaskerPro or its affiliates, employees, agents, or licensors are not liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or related to your use of our services.
  • Liability is limited to the extent permitted by law and, where permissible, capped at the amount paid by you to UniTaskerPro in the past six months for the services in question.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction at UniTaskerPro

The UniTaskerPro Terms of Service will be governed by specific legal statutes, including any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with it. The chosen governing law and jurisdiction for UniTaskerPro’s agreement are as follows:

  • Governing Law:
  • The agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of a specified jurisdiction, which will be relevant and connected to UniTaskerPro’s operations.

How to Reach Us for Queries or Clarifications

Email: For general inquiries or support-related questions, you can reach us at support@unitaskerpro.com.

Online Support: Users can also submit inquiries or support tickets through the admin panel of our software for more immediate assistance.