Leave Report

Comprehensive Leave Report

The Leave Report in UniTaskerPro serves as a central hub for tracking employee leave requests and approvals. It provides HR departments with essential data regarding approved, pending, and upcoming leave requests, enabling effective management of employee absences while ensuring compliance with leave policies and maintaining optimal staffing levels.

Leave Status Overview:

  • The report provides a concise overview of leave statuses, including leave requests that are approved, pending approval, and upcoming.
  • This overview allows HR departments to quickly assess the current leave situation and take necessary actions to maintain workforce efficiency.

Data Included:

  • Leave Approved: Information about leave requests that have been approved by the relevant authorities.
  • Leave Pending: Details of leave requests that are awaiting approval or review.
  • Upcoming Leave: Scheduled leave requests that are yet to commence.
  • Action View: Actionable option to view detailed information about each leave request.

Detailed Leave Information:

  • Users can click on the “Action View” option to access detailed information about each leave request.