Finance Report
Comprehensive Finance Report
The Finance Report in UniTaskerPro offers users a comprehensive overview of financial transactions within the system over a specified duration. The report includes total earnings, graphical representation, and detailed transaction data such as invoices, payment dates, amounts, and statuses.
Total Earnings:
- The Finance Report provides a summary of total earnings generated within a fixed duration.
- This figure serves as a key indicator of the financial health and performance of the organization during the specified period.
Graphical Representation:
- Users can visualize financial data through graphical representation, such as line graphs.
- Graphs offer an intuitive way to analyze trends, patterns, and fluctuations in financial performance over time.
Detailed Transaction Data:
- Invoice: Each financial transaction is associated with an invoice, providing a reference point for tracking and reconciliation.
- Paid On: Timestamp indicating the date when the payment was made or the transaction was completed.
- Amount: The monetary value of the transaction, including earnings or expenses.
- Status: Indicates the current status of the transaction.