

To access the payroll section:

Navigate to the Payroll feature within UniTaskerPro and click on it. You will be directed to a new page where payroll generation is the primary function.

Generating Payroll

It’s crucial to customize the payroll calculation by selecting appropriate components to meet the specific needs of your organization before generating the payroll.

  • Include Expense Claims: This option enables the incorporation of any expense claims submitted by employees into the payroll calculation. It ensures that reimbursements and other expenses are accurately accounted for in the final payroll.
  • Add Time Logs to Salary: By selecting this option, you can integrate the time logs recorded by employees into the salary calculation. This feature is particularly useful for organizations where employee wages are based on hours worked.
  • Use Attendance: Considering attendance records in the payroll calculation helps ensure accuracy and fairness in compensating employees based on their actual attendance during the pay period.
  • Mark Absent Days as Unpaid: This feature provides flexibility in managing payroll by allowing you to choose whether to pay for days when an employee is absent. It helps enforce attendance policies and control labor costs effectively.

Once the necessary components are selected, clicking on the “Generate” button triggers the payroll processing. After generation, the system presents a detailed list of employee payrolls containing essential information such as:

  • Employee Name: Identifies the employee associated with each payroll record.
  • Net Salary: Displays the calculated net salary for the respective employee after accounting for deductions and additions.
  • Duration: Specifies the period covered by the payroll, indicating the timeframe for calculating the salary.
  • Paid On: Indicates the date on which the payroll was processed, and salaries were disbursed to employees.
  • Status: Provides information about the status of each payroll, such as whether it’s pending, processed, or requires further action.
  • Action Buttons: Offers convenient options to view, edit, or delete individual payroll records, facilitating detailed management and oversight of payroll operations.