
Version: 5.4.4 (Release date: 03 Sep 2024)

  • We have added country code for Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) as +242 and for Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa) as +243.
  • Fixed Multiple leave notification issue
  • Fixed Project discussion issue
  • Fixed Public project Earning issue
  • Fixed Ticket form custom field issue
  • Fixed Ticket agent issue
  • Now we have estimate requests
  • Fixed Linked social login issue
  • Fixed Slack notification bug
  • Fixed Duplicate slack notification for task assign
  • Fixed Add visa issue
  • Fixed Finance report issue
  • Now we have prefixes for proposals
  • We have changed UI for deal table
  • Now we have task waiting for approval in project
  • Fixed Leave edit issue
  • Now we have auto clock out feature
  • Fixed The attachment function is not working on the notice board.
  • Fixed Authorised signatory design issue
  • Fixed Contract PDF signature time issue
  • Fixed Employee custom field issue
  • Now we have automated shift roster scheduling
  • Fixed MOBILE VEIW OF TASK COMMENT too Narrow. issue
  • Fixed Project private note issue
  • Fixed Ticket reply and note issue
  • Fixed Employee project issue
  • Fixed Project overview timelog issue
  • Now we have specific columns for actual working hours, logged hours and leaves in timelog report
  • Now we have estimated time for tasks
  • We have added an field to create deal in lead contact
  • Fixed Customer reported bugs
  • Fixed Ticket form language translation issue
  • Fixed Validation Translation issue
  • Fixed Deal agent and deal settings issue
  • Fixed Estimate duplicate error
  • Now we have a drop down to select milestone
  • Fixed TImesheet hours log issue
  • Fixed Leave type count issue
  • Fixed Estimate error
  • Now we have currency conversion for bank account transfer
  • We have added ticket visibility setting
  • Now we have archive leave functionality for leave types
  • Clock in button issue
  • Deal filter issue
  • Project duplicate issue
  • Advance dashboard expense currency issue
  • Wasabi storage issue
  • Client order issue
  • Social language
  • Estimate issue
  • Offline payment issue in client panel
  • Y/m/d format issue in Shift roaster
  • Invoice notification issue
  • Estimate template edit issue
  • Bank account statement conversion issue
  • Social login issue
  • Bank account issue
  • Employee dashboard task design issue
  • Notice period and probation date issue
  • Project duplicate issue
  • Advance dashboard expense currency issue
  • Clock in button issue
  • Leave page issue
  • Leave type issue
  • Deal kanban board issue
  • Leave date issue
  • Ticket client issue
  • Gantt chart public link issue
  • Project discussion issue
  • Task files issue
  • Ticket file storage issue
  • Mark attendance date format issue
  • Exit date UX issue
  • Now we have run rotation button for shift rotation
  • Fixed Currency Converter Issue
  • Fixed Exit date field in SAAS
  • Now we have archive leave functionality for leave types
  • Now we have estimate requests
  • We have added ticket visibility setting
  • Now we have currency conversion for bank account transfer
  • Now we have estimated time for tasks
  • Now we have specific columns for actual working hours, logged hours and leaves in timelog report
  • Now we have auto clock out feature
  • Now we have task waiting for approval in project
  • Now we have prefixes for proposals
  • Fixed Default plan name issue
  • Package make private issue
  • Landing page RTL issue
  • Invite employee error issue fixed
  • Some Translation Issue Fixed
  • Some UI/UX issue fixed

SN Version Description
1 5.4.3 introduced the ability to select project members based on department.
Added half-day labels (first half and second half) in attendance records.
Introduced monthly and yearly leave types.
Added an RTL theme based on user profiles.
Fixed Pusher error.
Fixed Invoice search filter issue.
Fixed Ticket note dark mode issue.
Fixed Public page dark mode issue.
Fixed Leave report issue.
Fixed Timesheet employee timelog issue.
Fixed Employee public project issue.
Fixed Employee leave issue.
Added department and designation add option in employee tab.
Option to Enable/Disable public taskboard and public gantt chart on project.
Fixed Project time count issue.
Fixed Sub task create issue.
Added clear button to clear unassigned tasks.
Added currency code in deals export.
Fixed Project discussion issue.
Fixed Ticket note issue.
Fixed Deals custom field database issue.
Fixed Task board issue.
Fixed Task save issue.
Fixed Timesheet calendar time issue.
Added lead filter in deals tab.
Fixed Pending follow-up date issue.
Added pending confirmation to offline payments of clients in invoices.
Can create invoices with services.
Fixed Bank General statement issue.
Fixed Client panel order issue.
Added count for unassigned tasks in project task tab.
Can add purchase products in invoices according to their inventory.
Can edit unit price in orders.
Changed task update notification to task status update.
Added milestone name to task.
Added export in deal reports.
Fixed QR code attendance issue.
Fixed Recurring task issue.
Added sub tasks and their files to repeated tasks.
Added lead owner and permission for lead contact.
Added a pop-up feature when deal status changes from WIN to LOST.
Fixed Lead notifications issue.
Added estimate request option for clients.
Employees will get mail notifications in their default languages.
Fixed Company delete issue
Fixed Billing PDF issue
Fixed Support ticket issue
Fixed Public page dark mode issue
Fixed Office start time issue in SAAS
Fixed Project view issue in SAAS
Fixed Contact page design issue
We have added company details export
Fixed Ticket note dark mode issue
02 Jul, 2024
2 5.4.25 Language-related minor bug fix 2 weeks 6 days ago12 Jun, 2024
3 5.4.24 Employee page not opening fixed Add new button not working on update 5.4.23 3 weeks 5 days ago06 Jun, 2024
4 5.4.23 Language-related bug fix and company user-related fix 3 weeks 6 days ago05 Jun, 2024
5 5.4.22 Language related minor bug fix 3 weeks 6 days ago05 Jun, 2024
6 5.4.21 Fixed: Task create 4 weeks 12 hours ago04 Jun, 2024
7 5.4.2 Added lead contact permission options: all and none.
Fixed data table custom field issue.
Fixed delete deal issue.
Fixed module disable issue.
Fixed lead form issue.
Fixed task drag and drop feature.
Fixed custom field issue.
Fixed task start date in red issue.
Fixed deal kanban board issue.
Fixed deal design issue.
Fixed project note issue.
Fixed lead to deal import issue.
Fixed task view error.
Fixed finished project issue.
Fixed subtask edit date issue.
Fixed attendance mark leave reject issue.
Fixed client edit error.
Fixed timelog report issue.
Fixed V3 secret issue.
Fixed attendance clear issue.
Fixed auto timer stop issue.
Fixed mark bulk attendance issue.
Fixed expense datatable issue.
Added labels for inactive employees.
Fixed offline payment method issue.
Added daily calendar update (daily focus list for employees).
Added expense import functionality.
Fixed lead/deal issue.
Added employee leave quota report containing total and remaining leaves.
Added leave quota report export.
Disabled clock-in button for employees without permission.
Fixed clock-in timezone issue.
Fixed attendance setting clock-in issue.
Fixed attendance time zone issue.
Fixed client edit issue.
Fixed default shift issue.
Fixed invoice edit file upload issue.
Fixed finance template PDF issue.
Fixed event client removal issue.
Fixed appreciation action issue.
Fixed proposal description issue.
Fixed project’s task issue.
Fixed purchase module change issue.
Fixed leave applied issue.
Fixed attendance issue.
Fixed clock-in with location issue.
Fixed proposal PDF issue.
Fixed alignment issue.
Fixed timesheet issue.
Fixed attendance night shift issue.
Fixed holiday applicability issue.
Fixed clock-in issue.
Fixed holiday applicability.
Fixed SKU in product issue.
Fixed project filter issue.
Fixed finance report design issue.
Fixed deal agent issue.
Fixed invoice issue.
Added datatable for deal reports.
Made project short code a non-mandatory field.
Fixed superadmin status issue.
Fixed module shows in pricing table issue.
Fixed invoice issue.
Fixed package module issue.
Fixed change email ID issue.
Fixed dark mode/light mode theme issue.
Fixed client sign-up issue.
Fixed recurring tasks not working in SAAS issue.
Fixed sign-up issue in SAAS.
Fixed mobile design issue.
4 weeks 12 hours ago04 Jun, 2024
8 5.4.11 Leave apply fix 1 month 1 week ago22 May, 2024
9 5.4.1 Email notification page not opening and saving Fixed and payment gateway page not opening 1 month 1 week ago21 May, 2024
10 5.4.0 Task Public link issue fixed
Permission issue fixed
We have deal watcher now
Timesheet Earning Issue fixed
Milestone issue fixed
Project archive issue fixed
Now we have added a feature for daily calendar update
Now all Employee activity can be seen in activity tab
Now some badges for employee can be visible on Data table page
Attendance and clock in clock out issue fixed
Now deal related information is on Slack also
Employee inactive issue fixed
Bulk shift and attendance issue fixed
Lead/proposal filter issue fixed
Attendance half day leave issue fixed
Expense report issue fixed
Currency converter issue in expense and finance fixed
Manual time log in project issue fixed
Payment notification issue fixed
Task completion issue fixed
Now we have made 2 permissions in lead contact (All and None)
Inactive client issue has been fixed
Leave quota report feature introduced
Invoice due payment issue fixed
Leave monthly limit issue fixed
Exit date related issue fixed
Lead note issue fixed
Now inactive client has a red icon while creating project/invoice
Invoice-related issue fixed
Some translation issues fixed
Some UI/UX issues fixed
Permission issue fixed
Front setting issue fixed
Front setting issue fixed
Some UI/UX issue fixed
Secret password stored as encrypted 
1 month 3 weeks ago07 May, 2024
11 5.3.9 Resolved the issue with employee activation/deactivation.
Fixed the problem with deal agent filtering.
Addressed the ticket view issue in the client panel.
Resolved the timesheet problem.
Fixed the late attendance marking.
Limited the widget for invoice prefix numbers to a range of 0 to 10.
Implemented the ability to view deal history.
Rectified various UI/UX issues.
Corrected several translation problems.
Optimized the code
Attended other minor bug fixes
The public page theme issue fixed
The client sign up issue fixed
Superadmin Billing related to name and address issues fixed
Some UI/UX issues fixed
Some translation issues fixed
2 months 4 weeks ago04 Apr, 2024
12 5.3.84 Employee update set inactive employee fixed 3 months 1 week ago21 Mar, 2024
13 5.3.83 Invoice create issue fixed when purchase module is enabled 3 months 1 week ago20 Mar, 2024
14 5.3.82 Module install bug fix 3 months 1 week ago19 Mar, 2024
15 5.3.81 Company Create issue fixed due to recruit module 3 months 1 week ago19 Mar, 2024
16 5.3.8 Resolved issues with order-related problems.
Fixed issue with downloading proposals.
Addressed problem-creating proposals.
Enhanced export functionality by including deal value and pipeline information.
Fixed issue with employee leave management.
Corrected problem with downloading proposal templates.
Resolved visibility issues with projects and invoices on the dashboard.
Added search bar option for leads in proposals.
Added client filter to time log report.
Added Added by option in lead and deal sections.
Fixed error on the payment page.
Added host information in events.
Resolved issue with deleting payments.
Addressed issues with editing projects.
Fixed issues related to leads.
Fixed error with Slack notifications.
Changed deal profile name to Overview.
Restricted clients from viewing project profits.
Updated task display order to show in descending order.
Fixed permissions issue with milestones.
Removed history tab from public tasks.
Fixed expense-related issues with the bank module.
Corrected salutation error.
Fixed lead contact permission issue.
Resolved problem with project archiving.
Addressed various UI/UX issues.
Fixed translation issues.
Resolved employee headcount problem.
Taken care of another bugs minor also
Licence expire count issue on dashboard fixed
Contact support issue fixed
Admin FAQ issue fixed
Language issue on login page fixed
Billing ID issue fixed
create order it create multiple item in invoice issue fixed
Some issue related in front menu fixed
Some UI/UX issue fixed
Some translation issue fixed
3 months 1 week ago19 Mar, 2024
17 5.3.7 Added Security on client sign-up
Resolved an issue with Custom Field Types.
Fixed recurring invoice problems.
Addressed a Slack notification issue.
Resolved expenses related issues.
Fixed Task ID problem.
Expanded marital status options.
Resolved multiple leave issues.
Added an order tab in the client module.
Fixed permission-related issues with the timer.
Added SKU field in Order and Product.
Fixed currency issues in Project Expense.
Resolved Google Calendar problems.
Fixed Invoice payment issues.
Completed payments can no longer be edited.
Fixed completed project visibility in task issues.
Introduced a new feature in the Lead Module, now divided into Leads and Deals.
Resolved translation issues.
Fixed issues when a trial package is assigned to a company.
Superadmins can now add plans with the same name if the currency is different.
Fixed download bill problems.
Resolved front widget script issues.
Addressed feature issues.
Fixed issues with Trial expiration.
Fixed milestone visibility issues with the client panel.
Addressed translation issues.
Resolved UI/UX design issues.