
Viewing Existing Vendors

Viewing Existing Vendors

The vendor management page provides a list of all the vendors you have added to UniTaskerPro. This list serves as a quick reference for your vendor base.

The list typically displays basic details about each vendor, such as:

  • Primary Contact Name: Name of the primary contact person.
  • Company Name: Name of the vendor company.
  • Email: Email address of the vendor company.
  • Phone: Phone number of the vendor company.

Managing Existing Vendors

Each vendor entry in the list will have an Action button. Clicking this button reveals a menu with options to manage the vendor’s information.

  • View: This option allows you to view the complete details of the selected vendor, including all the information you entered while adding them.
  • Edit: This option allows you to modify the existing information of the selected vendor. You can update any details that may have changed or require correction.
  • Delete Vendor: This option permanently removes the selected vendor from your vendor list. Use this option with caution as deleted vendor information cannot be retrieved.